About us

Our Story - Dustin & Alexis Payne

It all started with a hare-brained idea by Alexis to make our homegrown beef more accessible. We realized people were interested in knowing where their food comes from and we are happy to assist with that. It became our understanding that many people cannot financially or spatially commit to buying beef in bulk, therefore we created this business to allow more access to our quality products by selling in individual cuts. This endeavor has become a whole family business and we could not make this all happen without the help and support of so many. 

Our beef is locally sourced from Mark & Gail Payne. Mark has been producing a consistent and quality product of Holstein and crossbred feeder calves for nearly his whole life. He grew up raising dairy cattle and continues to foster that passion today. 

Lastly, but certainly not least, Erin and Tony Miller. Along with their sons, they are in charge of the daily operations at the farm, which includes the care of all the cattle. This business wouldn't be possible without the efforts and dedication of this family.